Erythematous Acne

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Erythematous Acne

Erythematous Acne

Erythematous acne essentially refers to dysregulation of skin blood vessels. Generally, it is considered not as a disease but as a constitutional type manifested by many people, characterized by capillary dilation, papules, pustules, and rhinophyma. Literature studies suggest that mites play an important role in this condition. Research has demonstrated that complete elimination of mites after IPL treatment is essential for the effectiveness of this treatment, as this thermal destruction is a crucial factor in IPL treatment efficacy. Capillary dilation is a late manifestation of vascularization, possibly due to the destruction of mechanical integrity of the superficial dermal tissue, leading to passive expansion and dilation of capillaries, eventually resulting in capillary dilation caused by inflammatory reactions and formation of neovascularization.

However, pulsed dye laser therapy has a good therapeutic effect on capillary dilation associated with erythematous lupus and erythema, and it also has certain cosmetic effects. KPT laser with a wavelength of 532nm also has good therapeutic effects, with the only adverse consequence being linear crusts appearing along the direction of dilated capillaries. Intense pulsed light therapy for rhinophyma is equally effective, rapidly eliminating blood vessels without leaving noticeable purpura and crusts.

Source: Erythematous Acne