Broadband Light and IPL for Treating Broken Capillaries

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Broadband Light and IPL for Treating Broken Capillaries

Broadband Light and IPL for Treating Broken Capillaries

Title: Broadband Light (BBL) and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatment Techniques for Broken Capillaries


Broken capillaries, also known as telangiectasia, are small, dilated blood vessels that can appear near the surface of your skin. They can occur anywhere on the body but are commonly found on the face and the legs. Despite their small size, the visibility of these vessels can often cause self-consciousness and discomfort. Luckily there are various skin treatments available that can reduce their appearance. Two of the most effective treatment methods involve the use of Broadband Light (BBL) and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL).

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Broadband Light for Broken Capillaries Treatment

Broadband Light is a type of phototherapy that delivers pulses of light to the skin. Specific wavelengths of light are used to target and eliminate the broken capillaries. When the light is absorbed by the blood vessels, it generates heat, which causes the capillaries to coagulate, break down and get naturally absorbed by the body.

The treatment effectively minimizes the appearance of broken capillaries and also stimulates collagen production which can lead to firmer, more youthful-looking skin. It is a quick, non-invasive, and gentle treatment method with minimal risk of side effects and virtually no downtime.

To understand more about Broadband Light for treating broken capillaries, click the link:

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) for Broken Capillaries Treatment

Much like Broadband Light, Intense Pulsed Light, or IPL, is another light-based treatment method used to reduce the appearance of broken capillaries. IPL works on the same principles, using light energy to target the blood vessels and cause them to break down.

However, IPL is somewhat different because it utilizes a broad spectrum of light wavelengths as opposed to a single wavelength, allowing it to target many different types of skin concerns simultaneously, including broken capillaries. The skin absorbs this pulsed light, which converts to heat and destroys the targeted blood vessels, reducing their appearance on the skin's surface.

Both IPL and BBL therapies are effective and can be used interchangeably or in conjunction based on your doctor’s recommendation as per your skin's current condition and treatment goals.


Whether it's Broadband Light or Intense Pulsed Light, both therapies provide effective treatment for reducing the appearance of broken capillaries. They do so by using light energy that generates heat to target and break down the capillaries, which minimize their visibility on your skin surface.

In addition to treating broken capillaries, these light therapies have other skin rejuvenation benefits such as collagen stimulation and treatment of pigmentation, rosacea and age spots. So, if you are looking for a safe, non-invasive method to treat capillaries and enhance your skin's appearance, you might want to consider Broadband Light and Intense Pulsed Light therapies.

Source: Broadband Light and IPL for Treating Broken Capillaries