Main clinical laser types and their clinical applications

Lasers used clinically can generally be roughly divided into the following three types:

(1) Continuous laser energy is continuously output.

This type of laser is not very selective for the treatment target. It mainly includes: carbon dioxide laser, argon ion laser, helium-neon laser, etc.

1. Carbon dioxide laser (continuous)

Technical parameters: Wavelength is 10600nm, power is generally 10~50W. Principle of action: The wavelength of carbon dioxide laser is located in the mid-infrared region, and its main target is water molecules. It can cause the temperature of skin tissue to significantly increase, produce biological effects such as coagulation, carbonization, and vaporization, and can be used clinically for cauterization, cutting, etc.
effect. Indications: Clinically, carbon dioxide laser is mainly used to remove benign growths and tumors on superficial skin, including common warts, genital warts, seborrheic keratosis, pigmented nevus, skin tags, skin horns, keratoacanthoma, Pyogenic granuloma, etc., and sometimes used in the treatment of tumors such as Bowen's disease, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. After the carbon dioxide laser beam is expanded, it can be used as low-power laser irradiation to treat skin ulcers, skin pruritus, cold erythema multiforme, chilblains, etc.

2. Helium-neon laser

Technical parameters: The wavelength is 632.8nm, and the output power is generally 10~40mW.
Principle of action: Ammonia-neon laser has the following functions: ① Improve skin microcirculation, strengthen metabolism and promote the recovery of tissue structure and function; ② Accelerate absorption and reduce inflammatory reactions such as congestion and edema; ③ Regulate immune function; ④ Accelerate pain The absorption of chemical mediators (such as ammonia) has an analgesic effect.
Indications: skin ulcers, alopecia areata, herpes zoster, residual pain, trichitis, etc.
Contraindications: photosensitive diseases, malignant tumors, acute infections, etc.

3. Neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser (continuous)

Technical parameters: Wavelength is 1064nm, power is generally 10~80W.Principle of action: The Nd:YAG laser output wavelength is located in the near-infrared region, which mainly produces thermal effects in skin tissue, leading to vaporization, carbonization, and coagulation of skin tissue. This wavelength penetrates deeply into skin tissue, has strong coagulation effect, and has a wide range of thermal damage.
Larger circumference. Indications: Nd:YAG laser is mainly used to treat vascular proliferative lesions, such as cavernous hemangioma, lymphangioma, angiokeratoma, pyogenic granuloma, hemangioendothelioma, Kimura's disease, etc. It can also be used for common warts, plantar wart

4. Indium-doped gallium arsenide semiconductor laser

Technical parameters: The wavelength is 980nm, the power is generally 10~30W, it is a high-power semiconductor laser.
Principle of action: Similar to Nd:YAC laser, it mainly produces thermal effects in skin tissue, leading to vaporization, carbonization, and coagulation of skin tissue. The laser's penetration depth, coagulation effect, and thermal damage range in skin tissue are all large. Indications: Basically the same as Na:YAG laser, it is mainly used to treat vascular proliferative skin diseases, such as cavernous hemangioma, lymphatic hemangioma, angiokeratoma, pyogenic granuloma, hemangioendothelioma, Kimura's disease, etc.

5. low-power semiconductor laser

Technical parameters : Low-power semiconductor laser usually uses gallium arsenide and aluminum gallium arsenide as the working material, and can have multiple wavelengths, ranging from 490 to 980nm. Currently, the wavelength of 830nm is commonly used, and the power is 1 to 500mW. . Principle of action: Close to helium-neon laser, it mainly has effects such as improving microcirculation, anti-inflammation, regulating immune function, and analgesia. Has strong tissue penetration ability.
Indications: Mainly used to treat skin ulcers, alopecia areata, herpes zoster, residual pain, folliculitis, etc., similar to helium-neon laser.
Contraindications: photosensitive diseases, malignant tumors, acute infections, etc.

6. Argon laser

Technical parameters: wavelength is 488nm and 514.5nm, output power is 0.5~2.5W.
Principle of action: This wavelength can be better absorbed by hemoglobin and melanin, and acts superficially on skin tissue.
Indications: Argon laser is mostly used for the treatment of superficial vascular proliferative skin diseases, such as telangiectasia, rosacea, etc.; sometimes it can also be used to treat superficial pigment hyperplasia such as freckles, café-au-lait spots, seborrheic keratosis, etc. Sexual skin diseases. Adverse reactions such as scar formation, pigmentation, and hypopigmentation may occur after surgery.

(2) Quasi-continuous laser

The energy of this type of laser is output in the form of pulses, but the output pulse frequency is very high. The biological effects and actual clinical effects on skin tissue are not significantly different from those of continuous lasers, so it is called quasi-continuous laser. The two are basically equivalent and are sometimes classified into the same category. Like CW lasers, quasi-CW lasers are not very selective for treatment targets. The main quasi-continuous lasers include: copper vapor laser, laser, potassium titanium phosphate laser (KTP), etc.

1. Copper vapor laser and Australian cuprous laser

Technical parameters: The output is mixed light, including two wavelengths: 510.4nm (green light) and 578.2nm (yellow light). The ratio of green to yellow light is roughly 2:1, and the power is 1~6W.
Treatment principle: Yellow light with a wavelength of 578.2nm is located near the absorption peak of oxyhemoglobin and can absorb more of the latter.
Receive: The green light with a wavelength of 510.4nm can be absorbed by hemoglobin and melanin, which is similar to laser. Indications: Mainly used for the treatment of vascular proliferative skin diseases, such as port wine stains, telangiectasia, wine nose, spider nevi, etc. In addition, the laser is sometimes used for the treatment of superficial pigment proliferative skin diseases. Adverse reactions such as color retardation and epileptic marks may occur after surgery. It is worth mentioning that copper vapor laser can also be used as a light source for photodynamic therapy to treat port wine stains, with good clinical effects.

2. Potassium titanium phosphate laser (KTP laser)

Technical parameters: Wavelength is 532nm, power is 1-20W
Treatment principle: This wavelength can be absorbed by hemoglobin and melanin. Indications: This laser is mainly used to treat some vascular proliferative skin diseases, such as telangiectasia, rosacea (telangiectasia), small varicose veins, etc. Postoperative hypopigmentation is more common, and the proportion of scar formation is smaller than that of continuous carbon dioxide laser. KTP laser can also be used as a light source for photodynamic therapy to treat port wine stains.

(3) Short pulse laser

The energy of the laser is output in the form of short pulses, and the pulse width is very short, generally in the nanosecond and millisecond range. This type of laser is based on the theory of selective photothermal action and is highly selective to the target without causing obvious damage to surrounding normal tissues, thus achieving the ideal effect of non-invasive treatment. Representatives of short pulse lasers include: Q-switched alexandrite laser, Q-switched ruby ​​laser, Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, pulsed dye laser, Q-switched erbium laser, ultra-short pulse carbon dioxide laser, Q-switched semiconductor laser, etc. The mechanism and mode of action of intense pulsed light are similar to short-pulse lasers.

1. Alexandrite Laser

Technical parameters: The wavelength is 755nm, the pulse width is 50~100ns in Q-switched mode, and the pulse width can reach millisecond level in long pulse width mode.
Principle of action: This laser is based on the principle of selective photothermal action. Its target is mature melanosomes, thereby destroying the melanocytes where these melanosomes are located. Since the pulse width is shorter than the thermal relaxation time (TRT) of melanosomes, there is no obvious damage to surrounding normal tissues. In addition, alexandrite laser can penetrate into the dermis, so it can treat dermal pigment hyperplasia skin diseases.
Indications: In Q-switched mode, the indications are mainly various epidermal and dermal pigment hyperplasia skin diseases. The former includes freckles, café-au-lait spots, seborrheic keratosis, lentigo-like nevus, Becker nevus, etc., and the latter includes nevus of Ohta. , acquired nevus-like spots of Ohta, tattoos, foreign body tattoos, etc. Alexandrite laser has the ideal effect of non-invasive treatment, and there is basically no scar formation after surgery. In long pulse width mode, alexandrite laser is mainly used for hair removal.

2. Ruby laser industry body

Technical parameters: The wavelength is 694.3nm, the pulse width is 20~40ns in Q-switched mode, and the pulse width is millimeter in long pulse width mode.
Treatment principle: Basically the same as the alexandrite laser, it is also based on the principle of selective photothermal action. Melanin has strong absorption of this wavelength, while the competitive absorption from oxyhemoglobin is very small. 00001 off quantity
Indications: Basically the same as alexandrite laser, the incidence of temporary hypopigmentation is slightly higher. The long pulse width mode is mainly used for hair removal.

3. Pulsed neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser

Technical parameters: The wavelength is 1064nm, the pulse width in Q-switched mode is 5~40ns, and the pulse width in long pulse width mode can reach millisecond level.
Principle of action: Also based on the principle of selective photothermal action, the laser is characterized by its long wavelength and deep penetration.
Indications: Mainly used to treat various dermal pigment hyperplasia skin diseases, such as nevus of Ota, acquired Ota-like spots, tattoos, etc., with basically no scar formation. The long pulse width mode is mainly used to treat vascular proliferative skin diseases such as strawberry hemangioma, port wine stain, and telangiectasia. It can also be used for hair removal, wrinkle removal, and skin tightening.

4. Q-switched Nd-doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet frequency doubled 532nm laser

Technical parameters: The wavelength is 532nm. This wavelength is obtained by frequency doubling the neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser (wavelength 1064nm) with a special crystal. The pulse width in Q-switched mode is generally 4~10ms, and the pulse width in long pulse width mode is 2 ~50ms variable (variable pulse width).
Principle of action: Based on the principle of selective photothermal action, oxyhemoglobin and melanin have good absorption of this wavelength.
Indications: Clinically, it is mainly used to treat superficial pigmented skin diseases, such as freckles, café-au-lait spots, etc. It also has a good effect on red tattoos, and there is generally no scar formation after surgery. The long pulse width mode can treat vascular proliferative skin diseases such as port wine stain, telangiectasia, rosacea (capillary protective type), etc.

5. Pulse dye laser

technical parameters: The dye laser system of this system has two wavelengths: 585nm and 595nm. The former has a pulse width of 300
450us, the latter pulse width is adjustable from 0.5~40ms.
Treatment principle: Based on the principle of selective photothermal action. Both wavelengths are well absorbed by oxyhemoglobin and can penetrate into the dermis. After the laser energy is absorbed by oxyhemoglobin, the hemoglobin and the blood vessel wall coagulate through the thermal effect, thereby sealing the blood vessel. Relatively speaking, oxyhemoglobin absorbs the wavelength of 585nm more strongly, while the wavelength of 595nm penetrates deeper.
Indications: Clinically, it is mainly used to treat vascular proliferative skin diseases, such as port wine stain, telangiectasia, angiokeratoma, rosacea (capillary damage type), spider nevus. In addition, it can also be used to treat flat warts, plantar, fat
Thick scars, etc. There is generally no scar formation after this laser procedure.

6. Q-switched erbium laser

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Technical parameters: wavelength is 2940nm, pulse width is generally 3008.
Treatment principle: Based on the principle of selective photothermal action. The wavelength of this laser is located near the absorption peak of water, so it targets water molecules in the tissue and can ablate and vaporize the skin tissue. Its pulse width is shorter than the thermal relaxation time of the skin tissue, which greatly reduces the risk of normal tissue surrounding the treatment target. of thermal damage, allowing for more precise control of treatment depth.
Indications: The indications for erbium laser mainly include 3 types: ① Benign superficial skin tumors and tumors (such as syringoma, trichoepithelioma, xanthoma, pigmented nevus, seborrheic keratosis, etc.); ② Atrophic or depressed scars; ③ Wrinkle removal. Erbium laser has better clinical effects and fewer adverse reactions.

7. Short pulse carbon dioxide laser

Technical parameters: Wavelength is 10600nm, pulse width is generally 1~1000ms.
Treatment principle: similar to Q-switched erbium laser.
Indications: Basically the same as Q-switched erbium laser
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8.  810nm semiconductor laser

Technical parameters: The wavelength is 810nm, and the pulse width is generally adjustable from 5 to 400ms.
Principle of action: This wavelength can be absorbed by mature melanin in hair follicles, thereby destroying hair follicles through thermal damage. generally
It has a stronger effect on hair follicles in the growth phase. Longer pulse width is more conducive to the treatment of dark-skinned people.
Indications: It is mainly used for hair removal clinically, with good curative effect and long-lasting effect. In addition, it can also be used to treat hairy nevus, pseudofolliculitis and some pigmented skin diseases.

9.  1450nm semiconductor laser

Technical parameters: Wavelength is 1450nm, pulse width is generally 210ms.
Principle of action: It can selectively damage sebaceous glands and stimulate collagen fiber proliferation through thermal effects.
Indications: Clinically, it is mainly used for the treatment of moderate to severe acne, folliculitis and sebaceous gland hyperplasia; in addition, it can also be used to improve atrophic scars and fine wrinkles. This method has better efficacy and fewer adverse reactions.

10. Excimer laser

Technical parameters: wavelength is 308nm, single pulse energy is 50~3300mJ.
Principle of action: It can promote melanin synthesis and melanocyte proliferation; induce cell death, and has immune regulation
Indications: Clinically, it is mainly used to treat vitiligo and psoriasis, with good curative effect. In addition, it can also be used to treat skin diseases such as alopecia areata, lichen planus, and eczema.

11.  1550nm/1535nm semiconductor laser

Technical parameters: This laser is a focal skin grinding system with a wavelength of 1550nm or 1535nm, a pulse energy of 4.5~40mJ, a micropore diameter of 50~200pm, and can punch up to 6400 micropores in an area of ​​1cm? ,
Therefore, it is also called "fractional laser" or "pixel laser". Principle of action: This laser action is based on the principle of focal photothermal action. It can create micropores with a diameter of only 50~200mm on the skin, and the spaces between the holes are normal skin. These micropores damage part of the dermal tissue and stimulate the skin repair mechanism to produce more new collagen and reorganize the dermis, achieving the effect of wrinkle removal and skin rejuvenation. Because the micropores are very small and normal skin
Surrounded, it heals quickly and generally leaves no scars. Indications: Mainly used for photoaging, wrinkle removal and skin rejuvenation, and depressed scars. Sometimes it can also be used for the treatment of chloasma. Contraindications: People with scarring constitution, those prone to pigmentation or abnormality, mentally ill patients, those with active vitiligo and psoriasis, and those with active infection in the treatment area.
Explanation: Both erbium laser and ultra-short pulse carbon dioxide laser can output energy in the form of "fractional laser", thereby producing localized photothermal effects. offer

12. intense pulsed light

Technical parameters : Unlike laser, intense pulsed light is a kind of incoherent light. Its wavelength range is generally 515~1200nm. Different filters can be used according to different indications to obtain the required waveband. . Intense pulsed light can include 1 to 3 sub-pulses. The pulse width of the sub-pulses and the pulse delay between sub-pulses can be adjusted, generally at the millisecond level. Principle of action: Intense pulsed light is a broad-spectrum light that can be absorbed by hemoglobin and melanin; in addition, it can also stimulate the synthesis of collagen fibers through thermal effects to achieve the purpose of wrinkle removal and skin rejuvenation.
Indications: The range of indications is wide, and the mild postoperative reaction is the characteristic of intense pulsed light. The main indications include superficial pigmented skin diseases (such as freckles, seborrheic keratosis, chloasma, etc.), vasoproliferative skin diseases (such as port wine stain, telangiectasia, rosacea, etc.) and removal of Wrinkled skin, etc. In addition, it can also be used for hair removal.

13. Radio frequency

technical parameters: Radio frequency is a very important component of the electromagnetic spectrum. Its electromagnetic wave frequency range is very wide, ranging from hundreds of kilohertz to hundreds of megahertz. Taking the Aluma radio frequency of Lumenis Company as an example, its operating frequency is 468kHz. Radiofrequency therapy devices are generally divided into unipolar radiofrequency and bipolar radiofrequency.
Principle of action: Radio frequency can quickly and repeatedly change the polarity of the electric field electrode in the skin tissue, thereby producing a thermal effect. On the one hand, it causes the collagen fibers to shrink when exposed to heat, and on the other hand, it promotes the proliferation of collagen fibers. The main functions of these two aspects are Its main function is to remove wrinkles and tighten skin.
Indications: Mainly used to treat skin laxity and mild to moderate wrinkles, such as canthus wrinkles, perioral wrinkles, neck laxity, abdominal wall laxity, etc. In addition, it can also be used in conjunction with 810nm semiconductor laser or intense pulsed light to enhance the effects of wrinkle removal, skin tightening and hair removal.