How to Remove Hair from an IPL Laser Device
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How to Remove Hair from an IPL Laser Device
As technology advances, the traditional means of conducting tasks get replaced by innovative and effective methods. Among these advances is the use of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) laser devices for hair removal. Rooted in the same principle as lasers, IPL uses light pulses rather than laser beams to remove hair. This article is a systematic guide on how to remove hair from an IPL laser device.
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) laser devices, as explained on, exploit the absorbency of melanin, directing light energy at the hair, inhibiting its ability to grow back. The effective, non-invasive treatment does attract some maintenance procedures, such as removing shed hair from the device.
Step 1: Unplug and Cool Down
Safety should always be your priority when handling these intricate devices, and as such, it is essential to unplug the device to avoid any potential electrical shock. Also, if the device was in use, let it cool down before proceeding to clean it.
Step 2: Removal of the Treatment Window
The detachable treatment window is situated at the end of the applicator directly touching the skin when in use. Hold down the eject button on the side of the device to loosen the treatment window. Lift the window gently and set it aside.
Step 3: Cleaning the Removed Window
Hair fragments and debris may accumulate on the treatment window. Using a soft, lint-free cloth, wipe the window using slight circular motions. For thorough cleaning, consider using an appropriate electronic cleaning solution, but read the manufacturer's guidelines on cleaning agents.
Step 4: Cleaning the Device Itself
Removing loose hair from the IPL laser device's main unit requires a small brush that can effectively clean the small ventilation slots and control buttons. Gently brush off any hair fragments without applying too much pressure that may damage the device.
Step 5: Reassemble the Device
After every part of the IPL laser device is adequately clear of hair fragments, the removal window should be reattached to the device. Arranging the window correctly on the device, gently press it until you hear a soft click indicating that it's secure.
Remember that proper maintenance of your IPL laser device is crucial in preserving its effectiveness and longevity. Cleaning the device by removing shed hair is necessary after some sessions. Depending on the frequency of use and the amount of hair removed, the interval for such clean-up could vary.
This guide on how to remove hair from an IPL laser device should ensure that you maintain the device's high efficiency while also increasing its lifespan. By regularly caring for your IPL laser device, you can continue to enjoy its benefits and maintain high standards of hygiene.
Let's embrace safety and uphold hygiene while appreciating the advancements technology has continued to offer. Over the years to come, IPL laser devices will continue gain ground source of beauty treatments, uprooting the conventional painful waxing or strenuous shaving, thanks to their effectiveness and simplicity of use, heightened by their easy maintenance practices.
Stay enlightened, stay safe!
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